Spotlight Exhibition: Manifest Mainstage

Spotlight Exhibition: Manifest Mainstage
Exhibition Dates: April 9 – April 30, 2018 | Monday - Friday, 11am - 5pm
Manifest Pre-Party Reception: April 27th 5-9pm
Spotlight Exhibition: Manifest Mainstage is a glimpse into the talent that will be front and center on the largest outdoor stage at the Manifest Urban Arts Festival.
The Student Programming Board and ShopColumbia have collaborated to produce an exhibition that is aimed to engage and excite the Columbia student body. Listening stations have been provided for everyone to prepare for a show filled with a variety of acts that have gig posters created by 4 immensely talented artists. Once you fall in love with these musicians, make sure to pick up some merch and OWN IT!
The last key component to the Manifest Mainstage is the opener for the headliner to be determined at Biggest Mouth. On April 19th at 7pm, 12 Columbia bands take The Metro stage in hopes of becoming the Biggest Mouth winner. That winner will be placed in the exhibition shortly afterwards, but make sure to come out to Biggest Mouth see the results first hand!
Featured Musicians and Visual Artists
ColdWind° | Lily Cozzens
Vince Verza |David Knight
S.O.S. | Amber Peoples
Capital Soiree | Lauren van Reken