How-To Make Your Favorite Holiday Treat
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- By Ronda Payne
- Posted in #HowToHoliday2020, holiday market

How-To Make Your Favorite Holiday Treat
Most families have that recipe that they have to make every year for the holidays. Whether it is a cookie, pie, dinner roll, enchiladas, chocolate candy, cocktail or appetizer…. it is always there at holiday get-togethers. It might be a complicated recipe requiring no less than 15 steps and every pot and pan in the kitchen or it might be as simple as opening a can of jellied cranberry or microwaving your favorite melty cheese for an easy dip for chips and veggies. It doesn’t matter what the recipe is, it just tastes familiar.
If you were always the lucky one to enjoy the sweet or savory reward and never have to make it…you might fear that you’ll miss out this year. But you can always recreate that tradition from your own home.
Yes, it is probable that every recipe that you would ever want to make can be sourced courtesy of google. But there is a better option. (And no, I don’t mean ordering from GrubHub or PostMates.) You can get the recipe from the source. Ask whoever typically makes that treat or dish for the recipe. And I’m going to take this suggestion one step further. Instead of texting or emailing or messengering for the recipe…call. It’s such an easy way to let whoever you are calling know that you are thinking of them and that you will be missing their yearly contribution. And hearing your voice will make it that much more personal.
We asked Shop artists, what their favorite holiday treats are. Here are a few of their favorites. No one offered up their family recipes…but if you really want it, you can always ask them. :)
Isabella Aimone: Baked brie wrapped in puff pastry
Melissa Rohr Gindling: her grandmother’s cookies
Lizzie Monsreal: Pozole, a traditional Mexican soup
Don Widmer: his mom’s stuffing
Julia Arredondo: hot apple cider
Julian Leal: Eggnog with rum & cinnamon stick
We'd love to see how you’re celebrating the holidays and spending your winter break! Tag ShopColumbia on any of our social media pages and use the hashtag #HowToHoliday2020 on your posts.