CALL FOR WORK: Spotlight Exhibition Manifest 2018
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- Posted in alumni, Call For Work, manifest, spotlight exhibition, student

ShopColumbia announces a CALL FOR WORK for a Spotlight Exhibition of work by Columbia College Chicago graduating seniors and graduate students.
ShopColumbia is seeking: Photography, paintings, drawings, sculpture, prints, book arts, illustrated products, music cds, literature, books, zines, fashion, fashion accessories, housewares, and original designs that represent you and your body of work!
>Artists must be graduating May 2018 or walking at the May 2018 graduation ceremony.
>Work can either be same or different from what you are exhibiting in your department showcase but ideally it should complement your graduation body of work.
>All mediums welcome.
>New works (2017-2018) are preferred
Exhibition Dates: May 7 - May 31, 2018
Submission Deadline: April 20, 2018 April 27, 2018
Drop-off Deadline: Monday, April 30, 2018