ShopColumbia 10 Year Anniversary Celebration and Artist Reunion!

ShopColumbia 10 Year Anniversary Celebration and Artist Reunion!

ShopColumbia 10 Year Anniversary Celebration and Artist Reunion
ShopColumbia, 619 S Wabash Ave
Friday, October 12, 4-9pm

This fall ShopColumbia at the Averill and Bernard Leviton Gallery will be celebrating 10 years of Representing Columbia Artists! Since opening in fall of 2008, ShopColumbia has represented over 1200 artists and generated over $350,000 of revenue for Shop artists. ShopColumbia is grateful for the campus and community support as well as the talented artists that the shop serves.
To celebrate, ShopColumbia is hosting an Anniversary Celebration and Artist Reunion on Friday, October 12th, 4-9pm. 
The Anniversary Celebration will include a reunion of ShopColumbia artists and a reception for the Spotlight Exhibition: Then and Now. The exhibition, Then and Now features Wabash Arts Corridor alumni artists:  Andrea Dunn '16, Sam Kirk '04, and JJ McLuckie '17. The exhibition highlights the murals that create a vibrant campus landscape as well as featuring new works by the artists.
Additional activities include: an interactive installation for ShopColumbia artists to share current accomplishments, music by DJ Club, photo booth, refreshments, and special promotions.
The Anniversary Celebration coincides with Columbia Weekend and The Crawl. Guests are encouraged to check out and attend the other campus events happening on Friday, October 12th.

Make sure to tag all your ShopColumbia photos on social media with #ShopColum10