How-To Holiday Like You Were A Kid Again
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- By Ronda Payne
- Posted in #HowToHoliday2020, holiday market

How-To Holiday Like You Were A Kid Again
Thinking back to when you were a kid….holidays were MAGICAL and everything seemed to have more sparkle (or at least more glitter…) Just because we’ve circled around the sun more times than we care to admit, there’s no reason we can’t capture that same feeling.
Holiday classic cartoons
Nothing is more nostalgic than the stop motion classic Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer. It has aired every year since 1964 making it the longest running TV special in American history. Add Frosty the Snowman, Charlie’s Brown Christmas and The Grinch Stole Christmas (the original cartoon please… not the live action Grinch) and I’m starting to feel like I am 6 years old again. So put on your holiday jammies, pour yourself some hot cocoa with extra whipped cream and dunk that chocolate covered marshmallow Santa and let the sugar high transport you to a time when calories didn’t count.
If you are needing more recommendations on holiday classics, check out our previous blog post on holiday traditions to enjoy from your couch.
Want to build a snowman?
Here in Chicago, we are still waiting for our first big snow but when it comes…I am digging out my snow boots because there will be snowmen, snow angels, and snowballs to throw…so watch out!
Craft time
I loved elementary school during the holiday season because it seemed like workbooks and lessons were replaced by an overabundance of glue and glitter. It could not be considered a holiday craft unless there was glitter and miniature jingle bells. If you want to decorate your house and relive simpler times…find your Elmer’s glue...and get crafting. Make some paper chains for your mantel or tree, string some popcorn for the winter birds and step up your paper snowflake game with this how-to.
Illustration student Sol Salinas who designed the illustration for this year’s virtual market and blog series also designed a coloring page for our friends and customers:
All orders from the web store have included a printed coloring page, but click here to download your own page and dust off your crayons, color pencils and markers and enjoy the creative relaxation of coloring. If you find yourself craving more coloring, check out these coloring books by Melissa Rohr Gindling!
We'd love to see how you’re celebrating the holidays and spending your winter break! Tag ShopColumbia on any of our social media pages and use the hashtag #HowToHoliday2020 on your posts.