Featured Artist: Bad Humor Club

Featured Artist: Bad Humor Club

Jess Pistone / Bad Humor Club
Graphic Design, 2022

Artist Statement
Hi! I’m Jess and I’m a graphic designer and photographer from Chicago, IL. I’m currently attending Columbia College Chicago for my BFA in Graphic Design.

What work do you currently have at ShopColumbia?
I currently am selling enamel pins of some of my original designs!

"Ur Stinky" enamel pin by Bad Humor Club, $9.50

What inspired you to create this series of work?

I love collecting enamel pins myself, I always thought it was a fun and unique way of displaying someone’s artwork. I was just trying to brainstorm ideas on how I can sell my own art and I thought enamel pins would be the perfect way because it shows not only my passion for art, but for something that I also collect myself!

"Thanks I Hate It" enamel pin by Bad Humor Club, $11.50

In what ways do you think you have benefited from being a ShopColumbia artist?
I definitely feel like it’s given my art and Etsy shop more exposure! It’s super cool to have my work displayed with other creators that I go to the same school with. I hope some of my products have inspired other people to do the same as me!

Give us an update about recent project/artistic life events; what’s next for you?

I’ve recently been thinking about setting up a second Etsy shop to possibly create music related poster designs to also support my other passion I have for the music industry. I’m just really hoping that one day I can turn this into a living and score some cool freelance music industry related design jobs.

Shop more of Bad Humor Club's work in-store and online!