Featured Artist: Holly Liebenow

Featured Artist: Holly Liebenow

Holly Liebenow
Animation, 2018


What do you currently have in ShopColumbia?
I currently have a series of women that form the solar system as well as a portrait of each one of the zodiacs. 

What inspired you to create this series of work?  

I have always been inspired by space. I had done a short film based on the sun character of my solar system. So after finishing that film I decided to make a character for each of the planets.

In what ways do you think you have benefited from being a ShopColumbia artist?
I feel more confident about my art now that I have had it at ShopColumbia and it has made me not as shy to share the work I have been doing.

Give us an update about recent projects/artistic life events; what’s next for you?
I just graduated Columbia in May and I plan on moving to Portland Oregon at the end of the summer for more stop motion animation opportunities. I am also working on an independent short film I hope to have done by this time next year.