Featured Artist: Evan Kasle, 2020 Graduate
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Evan Kasle
Visual Arts Management - May, 2020
Artist Statement
Evan Kasle’s work is characterized by faces. They come in endlessly varied sizes, shapes and colors; often overlapping, merging, or collaging together on a vast array of media including canvases, clothing, and buildings. These manifold assortments of faces, suggests Kasle’s passion for bringing people of diverse backgrounds together through his practice. His work also concerns introspection and a search for identity. Through abstracting images or forms into assemblages of faces, Kasle provokes questioning of the nature of reality and the notion of the self. These thoughts allowed him to accept his identity, and change the focus of his life to uplift others through art.
There are many obstacles to artists like Kasle who wish to engage with the public at large, the foremost being a lack of public access to the arts.To address this problem Kasle has worked on many community based projects such as murals painting with students of summer youth painting classes. In addition to mural painting, Evan works in non-traditional mediums such as wearables and stickers.These accessible forms of art aid in bringing his work to the public, in hopes of inspiring as many people as possible to engage with art in their everyday lives.
Fruits in a Basket, Still Life, acrylic and ink on paper
What are you most proud of during your career at Columbia?
I am most proud of showcasing my own art in various exhibitions, including a solo exhibition on our campus. I am also proud of the public art projects I was able to participate in, including the Wabash Arts’ “Corri-Doors” Project.
ARCADIA, acrylic on canvas
How has selling with ShopColumbia added to your Columbia experience?
Selling at ShopColumbia allowed me to realize how to best set myself apart from other artists in order to market myself to advance my career. I have found various ways to sell things I create by experimenting with different methods such as t shirts, tote bags, and stickers. They also have many great resources for artists such as how to price work, which they helped me alot with during my solo exhibition.
What's next for you after graduation?
I will be continuing my exploration of working at diverse art venues. I am looking into many galleries and museums as options both in Chicago and back home in Massachusetts. In addition, I am continuing to create new art everyday and apply to showcase it.